Luciano Cigars is taking the cigar lounge business by storm. Under a new brand-sponsored program, Luciano Cigars will be sweeping the U.S. with the Dreamer VIP Lounge. Their plan is to provide a space for cigar aficionados to enjoy their cigars in a luxury branded space. This stylish space will be sponsored by Luciano Cigars and branded with the Dreamer name inside of well-established, brick-and-mortar cigar retail lounges.
The official inauguration of the Dreamer VIP Lounge took place late September at LIT Cigar in St. Louis, and the next home is currently under construction and will reside at Industrial Cigar Co. In Frisco, Texas.
This is just the beginning of a global initiative. It is expected that as these lounges will spread, this will open more opportunities for the partners and patrons. One benefit is that these stores could receive exclusive cigars.
As stated in a press release by founder of Luciano Cigars, Luciano-Meirelles, “Our vision is to invite our clients to experience the artistry and complexity of our cigars, bringing these spaces to life through shared experiences.”